Why I Love Archiving!

Why I am Here

I promised to share some of my story and how I became interested in archiving. Here it is!

Most of you probably inherited artifacts and things from generations past — I did not.

My parents came to the U.S. independently and by themselves after World War II. They married in California after meeting and getting engaged in England. This makes me a 1st generation American and a Native Californian – two things I am very proud of!

My parents came from loving and established families but the turmoil of the Second World War and its aftermath didn’t allow them to bring much with them when they came to the U.S. A few artifacts like jewelry, watches and photos were really all they brought when they sailed separately to America in 1950 and 1951.

Absence = Longing

Since all of my relatives were in Europe, childhood friends became like extended family to me, and their homes, like my second homes. I loved playing in basements or attics and seeing “old” things like furniture and antiques. My friends would share their stories “Oh, that old bed was my grandma’s … she travelled from Maine to California in the 20’s.”

I just loved seeing all kinds of old stuff and hearing the stories behind them because we didn’t have that in the home I grew up in. We had the stories, just not the stuff that went with it.

My parents were always interested in exploring their new home state and learning as much as possible about their new country, so we were always (every Sunday after church!) going to museums and historical sites. Vacations were all about discovering the Old West and the old Rancho Californio lifestyle.

And So It Began

I think my appreciation for archiving and displaying the things that matter grew from my immediate family history and a hunger to know more.

As the years went on, my parents were able to get copies of their family albums and bring them to California so now my older family history is within grasp. Those albums and artifacts felt rich and important to me.

That’s why it is so sad to see others’ family albums and photos at flea markets and estate sales. All of those stories … lost.

So it really has become a personal mission and passion for me to help people tell and display their stories – to share and honor their history.

 I Want To Help You Do the Same

Decluttering and a preliminary Sort is just the first step, Fellow Archivist!

Please reach out with any questions or comments about your journey — I really want to see your progress and success on this first step into archiving!

BTW – the image above is of the July 4, 1950 Cunard Liner menu, the day the ship sailed into New York Harbor from England. This is the day my Dad arrived in America. He took the train to LA a week or so later where a job awaited him. Another story, another time.

