Threats to Your Stuff

You know …  those important things you have stashed in the basement, garage or attic.


It is a big no-no 🤢 to keep your archives (aka important things) any place water, temperature or other threats can compromise them.


Take a look at this table I created to understand the various risks your important things face when they are improperly stored. Let’s take corrective measures now. 💪

Want to take corrective actions now before it gets too late?

I thought so. 😼

Check out my FREE How-To Guide Archiving 101 – STEP 1: Protect What Matters where you get the tips to BEGIN taking care of the things that matter. GET YOUR COPY NOW!

‘How-To Start Archiving 101’

Let me know what the biggest threats to your collection is ⇣. I want to hear from you!

Be sure to visit me on FB too!

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