Oops – I Fell Into A Rabbit Hole!

The Best Laid Plans …

My goal since building this website has been to post info and tips regularly because I have so much good stuff to share with you! Well, I failed on that a bit.

Life Happens

Things got pretty hectic around here during the Fall.  My excuse is that between learning more about archiving and digitizing, expanding my skill sets, researching and writing, and serving clients, I lost focus. Has that ever happened to you? If so, you know how crummy it feels to get off track. Well, that is about to change – I have so much information and tips coming your way so please stay tuned!

Rabbit Holes Are Wonderful/Terrible

Which one is it? I guess it depends on how far deep you go and if the rabbit hole leads you anywhere productive. This is actually an occupational hazard for anyone in the archiving world. One file, photo or article leads to another and another, or to a different direction all together. My mantra for 2019 is FOCUS, FOCUS, FOCUS.

One of my distractions involved researching and writing an article I had been thinking about for years. As former volunteer archivist of the Altadena Historical Society I had heard rumors from the old-timers about the Mt. Lowe Railroad and its more, shall we say, colorful side. So when Acid Freea quarterly online publication of the Los Angeles Archivists Collective reached out to the archivist community seeking article submissions for their SEX issue, I knew I had an article to write.

Sex and Archives – Say What?

I’ll bet you are curious now! 

It’s true, the issue theme is SEX and there are some pretty interesting articles in addition to my own.  Actually, the entire issue is devoted to archives and sex. My article describes how afternoon trysts may have occurred at the former resorts known as Echo Mountain and Alpine Tavern. I spent a good chunk in the archives and what a beautiful rabbit hole that is.

It was a fun article to write and I hope it will be a fun read for you – enjoy!


I pledge to be more consistent with posts and products in 2019. All for now friends!

© 2019 Archiving Options