Get Started! Clear Out That …

Hey there Fellow Archivist!

You have decided to tackle some corner of your world where you know important stuff resides. But you are not quite sure what it is, where it is and what value it has.

You do have a challenge ahead of you -- to protect what matters. But first you have to identify and find out what matters.

I know exactly what this challenge feels like:

✔︎  Overwhelmed by boxes and things

✔︎  Weighed down by cramped attic, basement, garage, drawers, boxes, storage units

✔︎  Worried about precious things getting damaged – uh, where are they again?

✔︎  Fretting over lack of space or accumulated clutter

✔︎  Guilt about how you are storing heirlooms

✔︎  Not understanding the context and provenance of your items

✔︎  You don’t love, need or use all of those items you are storing!

You are probably wondering what you are going to do with all of the stuff you have (once you find it, that is) — things like:

  • photos, slides, movies, videos
  • trophies
  • documents – birth certificates, marriage certificates, deeds, diplomas, etc.
  • heirlooms
  • keepsakes from vacations and trips
  • clothing, uniforms
  • medals (military and sport)
  • collections: anything from thimbles to letters

This is the stuff we're talking about, right? The stuff that is blocking your entrance into the garage or attic or basement?

I have tackled the same thing. I put it off, tried to ignore it but then, when I tried to remember exactly what all that stuff was ... well I had to sort it out.

Look, I have done the work, lived through the challenge and successful outcome -- I can help you get it done too!

Fellow Archivist, take the first step into archiving to declutter, sort, edit and finally display the heirlooms and mementos that really matter.

I spent 30 years in the corporate world organizing and displaying information to communicate and tell a story. Storytelling through visual display is a skill I can share -- and want to share with you.

I also know a thing or two about how to protect the things that matter. I served as Archivist for my local historical society and also served on its board for a number of years. I am a current member of of the California Society of Archivists and am also brushing up on all the latest techniques through a year-long Library Science program I am taking on Archives & Digital Collections.

In other words, Friends, I’ve got you covered.

I have done the work, researched options and studied what museums and historical societies do – I have solution options that work. I also understand what you are going through. As you will see if you try my products or courses, I share my own experiences and how I solved my own real archiving problems.

I want to share this knowledge with you so you can create your own storytelling archives.

Get ready to enjoy your first result– a cleared out closet, corner, attic, basement or garage – yes!

Start here

Reach out with questions via email or post on the Archiving Options page – I’ll be on the lookout for your questions.

Cheers, Deirdre

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